Super hexagon tips
Super hexagon tips

super hexagon tips

Mentally break each mode down into those gauntlets and work on getting comfortable with passing each one reliably. There’s a process any time you’re starting a new mode of figuring out what your thumbs need to do to help you navigate each gauntlet. Think of it as a short iTunes playlist on shuffle-repeat. But after playing a short while, you realise that each mode only has about five or six general varieties – gauntlets, I call them – that repeat. One of the things that makes Super Hexagon stressful when you first pick it up is the fact that all the patterns flying at you seem utterly random. Single-press rotation distances in Super Hexagon must become second nature if you want to post high scores. Their muscle memory knows exactly how long to pour to match the volume of spirit required. They don’t splash little drips into the cup but instead flip the bottle and pour steadily, snapping the bottle away at just the proper moment. By way of analogy, think of the way that skilled bartenders pour a bottle of spirit into a cocktail. In the harder modes, there’s no time to correct. Only use a single press to rotate into position and focus on learning the timing of when to let go so you’re aligned with the gap the second you release your thumb. Since you have such a narrow window of time to rotate into position to hit a gap safely, you can’t chew up time by inching your way toward an opening with multiple individual taps. This is the most important fundamental of setting high scores in Super Hexagon. The following tips aren’t shortcuts to a high score, but hopefully they’ll help you on your way. I don’t say that to thump my chest, but merely to purchase a bit of credibility in your eyes before I assure you that there are ways to systematically improve your game. On the game’s introductory mode, I’m currently fourth place out of roughly 36,000 players. I’ve played the game obsessively enough to – at the time of writing, at least – be in the global top five in all six of the game’s difficulty tiers. So how does one not crash? That’s the secret to high scores, after all. But this directness is also why it takes about 2.9 seconds to figure out what the game expects of you. This is a game that answers our lip-quivering appeals with a blank stare and an unqualified “No”. New players find Super Hexagon ornery because its fail condition is so concise, so unswervingly absolute. If you flinch, if you hesitate, if you over-rotate, if you panic and stymie your rotation with a rogue input from the spectating thumb, you crash into a wall. Terry Cavanagh’s iOS hit Super Hexagon has much in common with the design principles of the classic arcade era, but a cache of three lives is not one of them. It will help you probably! 🙂 Six Super Hexagon tips from one of the best players in the world

Super hexagon tips